Day 1 and 2: On the road

From Medina New York!!! Not quite 265 done....if I didn't take any wrong turns. Actually about 300 done.

The picture of me commemorates two, hopefully three things. The first is the start. The second is the location of my first wrong turn. Meant to head south down Quebec and Brydges but already wasn't thinking and headed north for Cheapside. No problem...just take the route through Fanshawe College and down First. Except ran into another cyclist on Cheapside. Got talking to him and went right past Fanshawe. And it didn't get better. Gravel roads, towns I wasn't suppose to see. And a few extra k's on day one...but actually not too bad. Day two was better. I only thought I'd taken wrong turns. I stopped and asked directions about 4 times...everyone about a km or two before I would have found my 'mark'. Border crossing was easy. Lined up with the cars on Rainbow bridge.....maybe 5 minutes. Lucked out at lunch. Stopped to ask directions. The corner was within site of course. Checked my map while eating (well technically drinking as lunch was 1/2 gallon of chocolate milk) and figured out I was headed a little out of the way. Made the adjustment and saved about 10k.

So..hit both my camping spots. and trailer get A+++ ratings
...the body gets a C...lose energy at about 90k, the left knee is talking to me and the left tricep is not happy. That's a strange one but causing the most concern. Drugs tomorrow!!
I'm learning quickly. 120+ k's a day is tough, at least for me even if I go go least I get there and with an early start in the morning, time is not critical.
US roads have been great.Big wide shoulders most of the way. Lots of little towns for food and directions. And actually some bike routes that I may be able to take advantage of....NY bike route and the Erie Canal Trail.

Tomorrow Macedon NY with my first try passing through a big city...Rochester. Wish me luck!!!
Oh the third reason the picture should be significant...hopefully have the same one in a month!!
...and couldn't upload the picture...maybe later


  1. Great! I wanted to say "don't do anything crazy" but that's a bit late now. Have fun, very nice to read about your adventures!

  2. Hahaha I love how lost you got before leaving London! Not a sign for what's to come for sure!
    You got this Bill!!! Can't wait to keep checking back!!

  3. That is a crazy distance to bike in just two days! Have fun and stay safe!


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