Day 6 and 7: It's going to be a bad day

This is the first day I woke up thinking it was going to be a bad day. No reason...just something in my head. The nerve stuff turned up the volume a lot for the first 10k and then basically went away and then after that...well the day was the as good as it gets!!!! Only about 110k.

Maybe I should have done more!! I never learn. I picked a new route. Never even had to ask directions. I actually did ask once but I really didn't have to....just seemed so strange knowing what I was doing. Hit a McDonalds at km 20 and I've learned that you never ever ride past a McDonalds without going in...even if it's just for the $1.00 bottomless Coke.

Did find out I'd broken my glasses...tough to fix without glasses.  Figured I'd buy some somewhere and then ran into a Dollar General within about 10k that was open at 9 on a Sunday morning.

Bit of rain in the first 20k, but nothing silly like before. The kind of rain where you think you could almost steer around the raindrops. Then the sun came out to stay. Average speed was up. Distance was down. Campsite before 1....should have pushed wifi, very little stuff in their store...should have pushed on but I didn't.  See, I'm learning. It's been a lazy, quiet afternoon. Exactly what the doctor ordered. Got everything spread out and drying. Got my stuff recharging at the campsite office. Went for a swim. Sat around in my comfy chair drinking my 2L Root Beer. Composed this note on my soon to be dead iPad...but no battery is charging at the office. What could be better. And Vermont on Monday..or whatever day it is. After the little NY hills I'm starting to fear the Green Mountains. Elevations are only around 3500 ft. Doesn't sound like much, but when they put them on the map you know it's not a good sign. But I am really looking forward to them. Up, up and away!!!

Still learning to take my time and take pictures. Getting better. Now I just have to figure out how to post them. Starting to think I'm pretty lucky so far. Anything bad just gets worked out quickly. Lose a bike into a bike store. Lose the glasses..find a store early on a Sunday morning. Get lost....somebody around to help, even a homeless guy on a bench.  And two of my 'losts' led me right to McDonalds. Have to get lost more often!! Actually lost my NY map but my Vermont map happened go show the little bit of NY state that I needed. Two flats were straight forward and one of them was right at my campsite. And out of food now but the little store had 2l of Root Beer, a quart of chocolate milk, baked beans, peanut butter and buns....I'm good for a day or two.  So all the bad is good. And the good is great. 700k in and still having fun.

Gear review:

  • BOB the trailer is still a 10. Even lots of room for my left over Peanut butter and bread if there is any. Don't have to worry about the Root Beer.
  • And the Spark one man tent... Perfect as well. Lots of room to shimmy around. Space at the top for anything I want in the tent with me.
  • And I bought the Z-lite sleeping pad. It shouldn't be as comfortable as it is, but it's really good. Not sure why because there doesn't seem to be much to it but it gives me everything I need for a great sleep. And it's super light and easy to pack if space isn't a huge if you have BOB.
  • A couple of other items that have been ideal are the Ultimate Direction hydration pack and the Spibelt. More on them later, but I won't leave home without them any more.


  1. Who knew you were such an entertaining writer Bill - looking forward to hearing more about your adventures - safe travels bud!


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